Tag Archives: Miles Austin

Kim Kardashian: Whore or No Whore?

28 Feb

I’ve never been a fan of Kim Kardashian, but like most of America, I do have a slight fascination with her. To my demise, the media does a great job of feeding this fascination.

Every aspect of her life seems to be documented by a reality show, photograph, blog, or magazine, and all too often what the media reports has something to do with the “new” man in her life, which Kim never seems to be lacking. In the last year, according to the media, Kim has dated Reggie Bush, Miles Austin, Gabriel Aubry, Kris Humphries, and Shengo, her former bodyguard. Now dating six guys may not by excessive for the average single woman, but when you combine the number of guys she’s dated with her overly sexual image, people can come to some harsh conclusions.

A couple of months ago, Hot 107.9 in Atlanta tackled this issue. They asked their listeners to discuss whether they thought Kimmie K. should be categorized as a whore. The discussion got pretty interesting, and at the end of the day, the listeners, as well as the radio personalities, split about 50/50 on the issue.

Later that evening, I took the same conversation to my twitter page and received similar responses. About 1/3 thought she was a whore, 1/3 thought she was just a misguided single, and the other third could’ve cared less. But this conversation got me thinking, what is a whore? And have we redefined the word as we have become a more sexually liberated society? I’m exploring this topic in my weekly blog at 66Raw.com. If you want in on the convo, go to www.facebook.com/kiaspeaks and visit the discussion board.

But back to Kim K. I kind of feel sorry for her. Based on how I define the word whore, I don’t think she’s one. I honestly think she’s a hopeless romantic who’s attempting to sex her way into “happily ever after”, which is never the way to do it for the record. Despite being beautiful and having her beauty embraced by the world, I actually think Kim is extremely insecure. She seems to seek validation from the men in her life while using her beauty, body, and booty to “hook” them. I hope that she realizes, sooner than later, that she’s more than a big butt and a smile. Because if she doesn’t, no one else will either. 

On top of that, we, the judgmental public, have absolutely no proof that Kim is even sleeping with the men that’s she’s “dating.” These could be friendly outings that never end in the bedroom, but because of the sexual persona she portrays, it’s so easy to label her a whore and keep on moving.

There are two lessons that we can learn from Kimmie:

1)      You can’t sell sex and expect for people to separate you, the person, from you, the spokesperson, especially when your very active dating life is constantly broadcast across the world. They will label you based on their perception of your lifestyle. They will call you a hoe.

2)      Having sex to secure love doesn’t work, never…EVER! If you try this, you simply end up screwed…figuratively and literally.

The 66Raw.com article has posted yet. I’m still writing and editing (writer’s block is a beast), but I will update here as soon as I do. Thanks!